Monday, January 27, 2020

Qualitative And Quantitative Research Methods Computer Science Essay

Qualitative And Quantitative Research Methods Computer Science Essay Qualitative research is involves using various methods ranging from participant observation, interviews, and action research, to ethnography, document review and grounded theory in order to investigate and explain phenomena of predominantly human sciences. However, qualitative research can also be found in various other disciplines, subject to suitable methodologies. A general shift in orientation of Information Systems (IS) has resulted in an elevated focus on organizational and managerial rather than technological issues. The reorientation also requires qualitative research to enter the discipline of IS, which used to be exclusively relying on quantitative research for testing its theoretical body. This paper is to review and discuss the methods of qualitative research with the aim of identifying their suitability for research in Information Systems. Based on the limitations and benefits of the individual research methods, a framework for applying such methods will be presented to be considered as a vantage point in applying such methods scientifically. Introduction The concept of methodology refers to the principal way of going about doing research or practicing the discipline in its present activities. Consequently, the term research methodology refers to the way research is being conducted within the discipline, and normally this is methodology is confined to the respective scientific discipline. Research methodology refers to all the methods employed specifically when doing research, e.g. the subjects interviewed, the materials used, the methods used to collect data, etc. The aim is to accurately and exhaustingly describe and list all parameters which led to the obtaining of a certain set of data, so that it could be repeated elsewhere and by other researchers. The methodology also specifies the upper and lower limits, the exact circumstances under which the research was conducted (Alavi Carlson, 1992) (Myers, 1997) (Orlikowski Iacono, 2001). The emergence of computer science and the absence of a research tradition like the disciplines of physics, chemistry, or biology led to the predominance of a technical perspective on information systems. Realizing the tremendous social consequences of information systems, computer science and technology on people and society has paved the way for using qualitative research in this discipline. Not surprisingly, researchers such as (Mangan, 2004) have pointed out the increasing occurrence of qualitative research methods in information system research and its related management areas. Discussion The human desire to shape the world and materialise ideas and concepts brought on us many notoriously failing, yet at other times marvellously ingenious pieces of engineering and concepts of grandeur, which is unique to human life as much as we are able to reflect on ourselves and our actions. This paper is to discuss computer science by defining the terms science and scientific method in relation to the Theory of Science. Based on the writings of (Kuhn, 1962) (Carnap, 1994) (Popper, 1999)and (Chalmers, 1999), the relationships between science, research, development and technology is explored. Computer Science has as its object of investigation the computer as a technology, as a tool to structure knowledge and information in and about our world. As much as computer science is based in mathematics and logic, its theoretical and experimental research methods follow that of classical sciences. However, computer science also features those unique methods of modelling and simulation which have drawn and transformed other sciences while impacting tremendously on artistic and commercial fields. In maintaining a close relationship with technology, computer science is subject to a continuous development parallel to modern life, though lacking a scientific tradition of classical sciences. By the time computer science emerged in the late 1940s, it was more of a bringing together of various existing sciences, culminating in various concepts of other sciences (logic, mathematics, physics) to be re-assembled to bring forth a new theory and practice of general abstraction and specific design. Though termed computer science, however, it is not so obvious that the field qualifies as a science in the traditional sense. Still a young discipline, it also started out very differently than for example similar classic Greek sciences such as mathematics and physics. The historical development of computer science brought about an age of dramatically increased communication, which, for one, allowed other sciences to communicate much more effectively than ever before, while at the same time allowed a holistic view of our world to emerge and establish itself amongst most of todays societies. What is commonly referred to as science can be described a systematic observation of phenomena by means of (certain) sets empirical and logical methods in order to understand such phenomena. We consign to a certain understanding of phenomena, once we have a theory which can help us to explain such phenomena why they are what they are, or why we experience them as we do, whether they follow a certain pattern, etc. Traditionally, the scientific enquiry is first and foremost concerned with the physical world, with empirical phenomena which require logical and empirical methods to observe, describe and explain such phenomena. As such, science is divided into several specific sciences in order to cut down on complexities. Natural sciences contain fields such as physics, chemistry, geology, biology, etc., while social sciences refer to psychology, sociology, economics, anthropology, etc. The humanities refer to areas of investigation such as philosophy, history, linguistics, etc., while culture refers to areas such as religion, art, etc. A special class of science is logic and mathematics, in that they are exclusively abstract fields of enquiry with no need to refer to the physical world in any way. What is referred to as science is also a body of knowledge that is more or less organized, and which gives rise and consistency to the agreed logical and empirical methods employed in going about the observation and explanation of phenomena. However, science is also the concrete application of such organized knowledge to the physical world. Science attempts to explain and understand the physical world. It is important to note that science is always an after-the-fact effort in understanding the observed phenomena. Scientific knowledge is not a priori, meaning, it never occurs before the observation. This is different for logic and mathematics, in that knowledge in these fields does not presuppose an observation. In these fields, conclusions are reached by logic, while at the same time logic is the object and field of investigation. Science presupposes an order in the natural world which structures and order everything in the universe, an order which is relatively constant, and which can be discovered in order to gain increased levels of knowledge about the world. In the end, science is an expression of human curiosity and a desire, and ability, to solve problems. Such problem-solving endeavours eventually lead to the building of theories, attempting to unite and unify all our observations, or a subset of observations into rational structures which depict the natural world. As such, theories are nets cast to catch what we call the world: to rationalize, to explain, and to master it. We endeavor to make the mesh ever finer and finer. (Popper, 1999) The Scientific Method There is no single scientific method. While one could define the scientific method as a set of practices which scientists use to answer questions within their specific field of research or investigation, the methods employed can vary significantly. Some of the methods used for scientific enquiry are of logical nature, as they refer to arriving at deductions from certain hypotheses, or as they refer to causal relationships and their logical implications. Other methods are of an empirical quality, in that they refer to making observations, the designing of instruments (e.g. to collect data), or the designing of controlled experiments. However, all and any scientific method employed is subject to the criterion of being replicable and repeatable. Any other person should be able to duplicate the very experimental setup or enquiry, and produce either the same results, or dissimilar results. This is also a strong indicator of scientific methods being impersonal, or put differently, unless another person can duplicate the results of another scientist, this serves as a sign that there are substantial errors in either the design, the methodology, or the interpretation of such results. Scientific methods are used to generate the logical limits or environment within which to generate information, which can serve either as a result of certain questions asked, or as input to questions to be asked. Such methods also serve to establish scientific theories about whatever can be theorised about in the context of the specific research environment. In science, everything is theoretical until substantiated by logical deduction (or induction), empirical proof, or a combination thereof. The scientific method is characterised by the very nature of science, in that it is never absolute, constantly in a state of being changed and reviewed. All findings are negotiated in empirical terms, and this positivist negotiating process is a recursively self-correcting process which roots science exclusively in the empirical paradigm. It should be noted, though, that the scientific method is just that, a method, a set of human practices geared and calibrated towards obtaining knowledge about the world in a certain, exclusively positivist way. Researchers such as (Feyerabend, 2000) et al. maintained that all human epistemological endeavours, and with that all scientific endeavours, do not arise from a vacuum. All human experience and thought are based on prior experience and thought, thus all experimental data is rather theory-contaminated. This bears specifically on computer science, in that the design of experimental equipment has to follow a similar pattern like the scientific method exemplified above in order to maintain a verifiable baseline. Qualitative Research The most common differentiation between various research methods is that of quantitative versus qualitative research methods. Quantitative research is concerned with quantifiable data, objective measures which can be repeated always and everywhere, given that all parameters which could influence the measurement process have been analysed and specified in the research design. This is the predominant research methodology of all natural sciences (Myers, 1997), and includes methods such as e.g. mathematical modeling (also used in computer science), test performance scores, measurements (weighing, counting, etc.), but also context-free survey responses. Qualitative research is about evaluating, measuring, and understanding of social issues (e.g. in sociology) or human problems (e.g. in psychology), as embedded in a social context featuring the influence of subjective opinions, goals, objectives or understandings (Cresswell, 1994). Here, more than often, it matters for example how questions and statements are worded, and how such is understood across various cultures, societies, groups, or individuals. Accordingly, the methods employed range from participant observation to interviews and questionnaires, in short, whatever method is suitable to elucidate the very quality of a situation or condition. The fact that the Information Systems discipline is rooted in the engineering tradition due to its positivist qualities regarding computer science and the activities around designing and building computers, prototyping and modelling have led researchers such as Roger Clarke to indicate that positivist approaches alone are insufficient to gather the interpretive aspects and qualities which often are emergent phenomena when approaching Information Systems from a management perspective (Clarke, 1995). Positivist Information systems research was classified as positivist by researchers (Orlikowski Baroudi, 1991), provided such research provided quantifiable measures of variables, hypothesis testing and formal propositions about a problem, the phenomenon and the sample of the population. Researchers such as (Yin, 2002) and (Marzanah, 2007), on the contrary, have exemplified the applicability of case study research as a valid approach to information system research. Interpretive Notwithstanding the ideals and benefits of a positivist approach to the world, not all phenomena can be accorded for by an empirical approach as practiced in the hard sciences of physics et al. The attempt to understand the complexities of a subjectively experienced but socially constructed reality in which it is important to understand the context within which such processes happen and meaning is imbued on a multitude of processes and relations, has fostered the scientific approach to history and culture, and the embeddedness of human life into such complex systems (Orlikowski Baroudi, 1991). Irrespective of the perspective on such negotiated contexts, qualitative research still aims at maintaining the objectivity of the researcher as he/she attempts to collect data for interpretation. Likewise, the use of qualitative research in the Information Systems discipline is aimed at producing an understanding of the context of the information system, and the process whereby the informatio n system influences and is influenced by the context (Walsham, 1993). Engineering The movement from logic and mathematics to natural science, social sciences, the humanities and culture is an indication that human society developed parallel to human thought as contained in the purely natural sciences concerned only with the natural world. The development of science beyond those natural sciences and logic and mathematics is to show that humans were successfully integrating and re-integrating the then current knowledge to include further areas of interest which do not correlate with the traditional field of investigation of the respective sciences, i.e. humans were repeatedly relating one subject with another, say, the functions of vitamins in the human body with the effects thereof within a social context. The emergence of computer science was possible by the inclusion of mathematics and logic, in the form of the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), while at the same time drawing on physics, chemistry, biology and psychology. Since its inception in 1936 as a branch of mathematics, computer science has been limiting itself to an exploration of how mathematics can be codified by and into mechanistic explanations and principles, with the earliest computer programs being FORTRAN in 1954 to solve problems in numerical analysis, and LISP in 1958 to solve problems in symbolic processing. Computer science is more of a meta-activity, in that it reflects on the practice of writing software programs or designing computer hardware. More precisely though, computer science is concerned with the design, development and investigation of empirical methodologies and logical concepts that are the basis of the scientific activities of specifying, developing, implementing and analyzing computational systems (Eden, 2007). Qualitative Research Method in Information System IS research has been the study of processes related to the development of IS applications and the effects that IS applications have on people, particularly in formal settings such as organizations. The importance of IS research until now, has led to a number of different research approaches and methods, usually adapted from other disciplines such as sociology, natural sciences, and business studies. Harvard colloquium on qualitative IS research methods and QualIT conference in Griffith University in Brisbane on November 2005 have highlighted qualitative research, as a distinctive research approach. Qualitative research methods were developed in the social sciences to enable researchers to study social and cultural phenomena. Qualitative data sources include observation and participant observation (fieldwork), interviews and questionnaires, documents and texts, and the researchers impressions and reactions. According to Northcutt McCoy (2004), Myers (2006), and Hesse-Biber Levy (200 6), there are four research methods being used by IS researchers. The research methods are the case study research, ethnography, action research, and grounded theory. Case Study Case study research is the most common qualitative method used in information systems (Alavi and Carlson, 1992). Yin (2002) defines the scope of a case study as an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context, especially when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident. Yin further suggested the following steps techniques for organizing and conducting the case study research. The steps are to determine and define the research questions, to select the cases and determine data gathering and analysis techniques, prepare to collect data, collect data in the field, to evaluate and analyze the data and lastly preparing the report. There are numerous case study research, in the organizational context for the implementation of information systems, to illustrate and investigate theories related to IS and organization. Ethnography This is the research method of anthropology with its emphasis on culture. It is undertaken by observation, interviews and examination of documents. In the research, the researchers observe their collaborators without prejudice or prior assumptions. Ethnography is widely used in the study of information systems in organizations, from the study of the development of information systems (Davies Nielsen, 1992). Ethnography according to Avison and Myers, (1995) is suited to providing information systems researchers with rich insights into the human, social and organizational aspects of information systems development and application. The goal of ethnographic research is to improve our understanding of human thought and action through interpretation of human actions in context. Basic steps recommended as a general framework for an ethnographic study (Rose et al., 1995), used to conduct an ethnographic study. The steps include preparation to understand, familiarize setting goals and access to observe. Field study to establish rapport with managers and users, observe/interview and collect data. Analysis to compile the collected data, quantify data and compile statistics, preparing report and presenting the findings. Randall, D., et al. (1999), explore the issue of legacy through the use of a long-term empirical investigation into how information technology is employed in a major UK bank. The closeness of their investigation into the day-to-day operations of the bank from the perspectives of individual users (using ethnographic techniques) identifies the embedded nature of the technology and the impact of cultural, organizational, and individual employees legacy on organizational and technical change. Action Research Action research has been promoted and practiced as one way to conduct empirical research within Information System discipline. Information system action research (Davidson, 1998) is applied research to develop a solution that is of practical value to the people with whom the researchers are working, and at the same time to develop theoretical knowledge of value to a research community. According to Baskerville, R. (1999), information system research in has led to a number of different research approaches and methods, adapted from other disciplines such as sociology, natural sciences, and business studies and is often identified by its dual goal of both improving the organization participating in the research project, and the AR practitioner is expected to apply intervention on this environment. Action Research methodology was normally chosen as a research methodology as it provides the research with an inside and working view of the research matter. AR study done is characterized by the researcher applying positive intervention to the organization, while collecting field data about the organization and the effects of the intervention. Grounded Theory Grounded theory is a research method that seeks to develop theory that is grounded in data systematically gathered and analyzed. According to Corbin and Strauss (1990), grounded theory is theory discovery methodology that allows the researcher to develop a theoretical account based on concepts, categories and propositions. There are five phases of grounded theory building: research design, data collection, data ordering, data analysis and literature comparison, and each phase were evaluated against four research quality criteria: construct validity, internal validity, external validity and reliability. Orlikowski, (1993) uses grounded theory research in the findings of an empirical study into two organizations experiences with the adoption and use of CASE tools over time. The study characterizes the organizations experiences in terms of processes of incremental or radical organizational change. These findings are used to develop a theoretical framework for conceptualizing the organiz ational issues around the adoption and use of these tools and issues that have been largely missing from contemporary discussions of CASE tools. Singh et al (2005) discussed on the challenge of methodological implication of moving from grounded theory to user requirement in IS design. Results and Discussion Conclusion A research method is a strategy of inquiry to research design and data collection. The choice of research method will influence the way in which the researcher collects data. Specific research methods also imply different skills, assumptions and research practices. According to Benbasat et al (1996), no single research methodology is better that any other methodology, and in order to ensure the quality of information system research, Clarke (1997) listed the following requirements to be present in an IS research: the research method, applied within the scientific, the interpretive or the engineering tradition, the explication of a body of theory, which in most cases needs to reach back into reference disciplines, and also the extension of the theory. This give rise to the following motivation in conducting qualitative research in IS: Spending many hours in the field, collecting extensive data, and trying to gain access, rapport, as to gain an insider perspective in natural setting, and doing exploratory studies, where variables cannot be identified, theories are not available to explain behavior of participants or their population of study, and theories need to be developed. The qualitative research does also present some challenges that the researchers might face in using the method. In grounded theory, the challenges for the researchers are to set aside, as much as possible, theoretical ideas or notions so that the analytic, substantive theory can emerge, the researcher must recognize that this is a systematic approach to research with specific steps in data analysis. The researcher faces the difficulty of determining when categories are saturated or when the theory is sufficiently detailed. The ethnography is challenging to use for the researchers as the researcher needs to have grounding in cultural anthropology, time to collect data is extensive, involving prolonged time in the field, and there is a possibility to be unable to complete the study or be compromised in the study. In case study research, some of the challenges that the researcher must face is that whether to study a single case or multiple cases. The study of more than one case may dilutes the overall due to the lack of depth. In action research methods, lack of agreed criteria for evaluating action research, further complicates the publication review process, and makes this approach a difficult choice for academics. There is also an issue in both ethical and professional problems. Researchers who do not carefully explain their research orientation may mislead clients who are expecting consulting-type performance, creating an ethical breech regarding informed consent. In the field of IS a variety of research methodologies has been explored by researchers for different aspects of research study depending on the research focus and application domain of the researchers. Whatever research method to use, there must be some way of assuring the quality of the data collected, and the correctness of interpretation. There is also the need of a framework to guide the effort, and to clarify such methodological details, as it will provide a set of guidelines for a good IS research as suggested by Checkland (1991) and Lau (1997). A framework in Table 3 is proposed and has been used by Marzanah (2007) to guide the effort, clarify methodological details as the role of the researcher, the process of problem diagnosis, the nature of the intervention, the extent of reflection and learning intended, and whether there is new knowledge to be gained in the research. The action research approach enabled us to understand the interaction of social organization and information systems, by introducing changes into these processes and observing the effects of these changes. The action research approach is proposed due to the value of capturing and explaining what is going on in real organization. By using action research, it enabled us to understand the interaction of social organization and information systems, by introducing changes into these processes and observing the effects of these changes. It serves as a checklist with its criteria and questions to assess the quality of the research. The qualitative research methodology approach is viewed as significant in IS research due to the value of capturing and explaining what is going on in real organization. It enabled us to understand the interaction of social organization and information systems, the processes and observing the effects of these changes brought forward by IS. A research framework inaction research is proposed as guidance for the research activities to be undertaken to ensure the research objectives are met. The framework would guide the research effort and clarify methodological details of the role of the researcher, the process of problem diagnosis, the real world happening in an organization, the extent of reflection and learning intended, and whether there is new knowledge to be gained.

Sunday, January 19, 2020


The novel Lord of the Flies begins with a vision of a utopian society and setting but progresses into a disappoint island full of savagery and loss of civilization and innocence. When the boys are originally marooned on a well resourced tropical island, a place with no adults where they are free from the rules and structures of civilization and society, they are excited and ideally believe that they can create a perfect new world for themselves. This is particularly emphasized when Ralph states â€Å"But this is a good island. We- Jack, Simon and me- we climbed the mountain. It's wizard.There's food and drinks, and-† The repetition of the word ‘and' stresses how the boys believe the island is perfect and accommodates for all their needs. The true disappoint nature of the island is quickly revealed as the book progresses through the boys becoming murderous savages with a loss of civilization and innocence. The responders can draw parallels between the film Cattle and Lord of the Flies as Cattle too was originally portrayed as a Utopia. The society set up in the film is based around the idea of perfection and conformity where genetic engineering is used to create the ‘ideal' human being.Sound, costume and lighting are used to contribute to the effect of the setting. The costumes worn by Cattle employees are somber uniforms symbolic of an impersonal society and the only people who are focused on in close ups are Jerome, Doctor Lamer and Irene as the rest of the characters within the corporation are shown to not be individuals and there faces are blurred to symbolism this. The white light in Cattle is used to create a sense of cleanliness and artificial sterility reflecting the manufactured society.This sterile setting conceals the dark side of Cattle, being one of discrimination towards the â€Å"inferior† of society revealing that in fact Cattle is more of a dyspepsia as it isolates those of society who do not have modified genes. Within the society of Cattle, there is impenitent discrimination based on the assumption that genetic manipulation improves an individual. The opening scene begins with the amplified sound of fingernails falling to the floor with the use of extreme close-ups of genetic material, emphasizing the importance of genes in the society.Any child born without genetic engineering are seen as inferior and prejudice is displayed to them through their limited career paths and how they are treated by the upper society. The themes of superiority as opposed to inferiority are used forewarn humanity that people can oppress capable individuals and discriminate against them for their individuality and differences. Similarly, discrimination and prejudice is particularly evident in Lord of the flies which is shown by how the â€Å"littlest† are treated.The littlest don't even merit names and are treated as inferior rudeness which is utilized when Jack states, â€Å"l hope the best prefers Littleton. † The symbolism and repeated motifs accentuates to the responders how the younger children are viewed as useless and not looked after as they are of less importance to the older boys. It demonstrates the lack of care and consideration shown towards the little children along. The older children hope that their own safety can be exchanged for that of the littlest. It is a symbol of their disregard for the younger children and the intolerance shown towards them.As the book progresses, the boys become less and less unconcerned about overlooking the ‘littlest' and as their interest in looking after each other as a community deteriorates, the weaker they become and more susceptible to savagery as they begin to lose their humanity. This serves as a warning to mankind as humans overlook people of perceived less importance and tend to focus on themselves. Even Piggy who represents the rational, intellectual aspect of society and who offered the most helpful advice was discriminat ed against by the boys and was disregarded and shunned because of his appearances and differences.These are warnings that in society people are quick to discriminate anyone different to the mainstream, even though they may be of greater importance then initially realized. Cattle and Lord of the Flies both act as warnings to mankind which is exemplified through the theme of identity. The opening scene in Cattle emphasizes the restrictions on society expectations as shadows create a bar like pattern on Vincent body as he scrubs his body of excess DNA material.This film technique symbolically emphasizes the sense of imprisonment that Vincent feels as an invalid† in that society and enforces how his identity makes him feel trapped in the advanced society he lives in. Vincent states â€Å"l belonged to a new underclass, no longer determined by social status or the color of your skin. We now have discrimination down to a science.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Of Mice And Men Coursework Essay

The director creates a lot of moods and suspense in the film ‘Of Mice And Men’. Gary Sinise puts all of these camera angles and colours into one to create lots of suspense and to create different atmospheres. At the start of the film the screen is black and then white writing appears on top of the black background. There is light appearing through the planks of wood that we then know is a freight train. The casts and directors names appear as light peering through the planks of wood. The peering of the light acts a luminous spotlight at a prison and as it scans the area through the planks of wood it is like a light searching for someone. Also the planks of wood act as a cell and the light is glancing through the cell. All of a sudden the camera turns to this man who is sitting in a shadow in the corner of the freight train with half of his face in the light and the other half in the shadow. This implies I think that we can see straight through his eyes and see what he is remembering that is so vibrant. After this the director takes us to a women in a red dress running across a field with bright yellow straw and blue sky and green grass. This event had happened when the man on the freight train had a flashback of a past event and because the director has made all of these colours vibrant and alive this meant that the man’s memory was very fresh and bold. At the start of the film the director creates different moods by using different types of camera angles. One of the first camera angles we see is at the start of the film on the freight train of the man’s face. The camera angle is a close-up of the man’s face. The director does this to show this through the man’s facial expression. At the start of the film there is a women running a cross a field in a bright red ripped dress. The camera stays where it is and the women runs towards the camera and this acts as if the woman is running towards us out of the screen to us for help. Also when the dogs and horses are running after the two men and trying to catch them it looks as if they are running straight out of the screen towards us. This makes us more involved and interested in the film. At the start of the film Gary Sinise creates mood and suspense by using different sound effects. He uses different sound effects so that they are bold and stand out in one particular scene so this makes the scene more interesting and has more action. At the start of the film there is a scene where there are men on horses and men with dogs chasing two men. The dogs and horses and men have sound effects because the men are breathing heavily so this makes it seem they have been running for a while to catch the two men. The dogs are barking viciously and the horses are neighing and these sound effects make the scene more enjoyable to watch and makes you feel you’re their with the dogs, horses and the men. The director Gary Sinise creates different moods and suspense by using different music. He creates moods by using slow music in one scene then in the next scene using fast music and also the volume of the music. At the start of the film where the men, horses and the dogs are chasing the two men through the fields the music starts at a slow and steady pace. Then as the dogs, men and the horses start to gain some ground on the men to try and catch them the music starts to get faster this makes suspense and whether to see if the men will ever get caught. All of a sudden the men jump into a river and hide and as the men get closer and closer to them the music gets faster and faster then all of a sudden the music stops and the horses, men and dogs go away. This scene creates a lot of suspense and tension. The director Gary Sinise creates different mood sand suspense by putting colours, sound effects, camera angles and music into one. All of these effects create different moods like tension when the dogs, horses and the men are running after the men. The camera angles like the close up and the point of view create different moods because of what the character is thinking and what their emotions are these precise times. The music creates moods and tension by using the pace of the music fast or slow or the pitch or volume of the music. In the scene where the men are being chased the music gets quicker and quicker and builds up suspense and tension because you don’t know if the men are going to be caught or not. The sound effects create moods and make the film more enjoyable to watch and the sound effects make you feel as you’re there running with the men, horses and dogs. The bright vibrant colours create moods because of what the colours are. When the women is running across the field with the red bright ripped dress the colour red represents the moods anger, frustration, embarrassment.

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Pros And Cons Of Medicaid - 721 Words

The new law added to a per-existing hospital provider tax, which lawmakers love because it leverages federal matching funds that help pay for the states Medicaid program. Critics objected to the increase because it added a new tax on health insurance. After the session ended in early July, at least three physician groups that get most or all of their funding from the states Medicaid program disclosed contributions to several lawmakers. On July 27, the Doctors for Health Communities PAC, Douglas County Physicians PAC and Coalition for a Healthy Oregon PAC wrote lawmakers and Gov. Kate Brown checks worth $73,000. That in itself is a red flag to some lawmakers, who object to Medicaid-funded groups making large contributions. Earlier this†¦show more content†¦Maybe lost in the mail†¦wrong address? Smith said of the checks. Maybe changed their mind? Through his legislative assistant, Rayfield said he had not asked the groups for money and was unaware of the checks two groups disclosed giving him, totaling $3,000. Campaign contributions do not have an impact on how I vote, but I also know that even the perception of moneys influence in politics can be damaging to the publics trust, Rayfield said. I wont be accepting contributions from entities that have a perceived interest in this legislation. Winters, an 18-year legislative veteran, says campaign contributions have never influenced her votes. Im objective, she says. I do the right thing. When citizens or interest groups refer measures to the ballot, the Oregon attorney generals office normally prepares the draft ballot title. In this case, lawmakers, five of whom (all but Smith) voted for the original legislation drafted the ballot title. The committee unveiled its draft title at hearing on Tuesday. Testimony from supporters of the tax increase and from critics is here. The wording voters see is crucial, veteran ballot measure activists such as Meek say, because they may not know much about a measure or may have strong reactions to certain words. The ballot measure the 301 committee produced last week does not include the work tax or much else that would help the average voter decode it. The ballot titleShow MoreRelatedThe Affordable Care Act And Obama Care Essay1525 Words   |  7 Pagescontroversial discussion that I was to discuss the pro’s and con’s that comes with it . SUMMARY The Obama care was signed into the law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010 and upheld by the supreme court on June 28, 2012 (ObamaCare: Pros and Cons of ObamaCare.) The law didn’t take effect until January 1st 2014. From my research I ve concluded that the Obama care took awhile for it to go into full effect. 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As with most things, there are pros and cons in every situation. The main cons I have with the ACA are the costs associated with funding. Funding for the ACA will be provided by cuts to Medicare, as well as, tax increases (Hall Lord, 2014).Read MoreThe Obamacare Act962 Words   |  4 Pagesfee. While the Obamacare act has both pros and cons, people are likely to support it or disagree to it on account of the perspective that they see things from. In spite of the fact that the act involves a series of benefits, it is difficult and almost impossible for one to ignore the fact that it is likely to cause a significant shortage of healthcare professionals and that it is also probable to cause an increase in drug prices. Medicare and Medicaid have cause a great deal of damage to theRead MoreThe Affordable Care Act : Obama Care, The Patient Protection Act1732 Words   |  7 PagesThe law says that United States Citizens must buy health insurance unless one is enrolled on Medicaid or Medicare. If they choose not to buy insurance, they will face a fine that is adjusted to your income (Clemmitt, â€Å"Health-Care Reform†, 505-28). The Democrats, who mostly support the law, argue that the law will insure 32 of the 45 million people in the United States who are uninsured by expanding medicaid, providing subsidies to lower and middle class families to make insurance more affordable,Read MoreThe Us Health Care System1315 Words   |  6 Pagesindividual organizations, including the government, nonprofit, and for profit enterprises (Understanding the US Healthcare system, 2015). Breaking down the US health care system into different parts will make it easier to understand, while showing the pros and cons, and how it impacts the role of nurses. Formally, I will do the same to Norway’s health care system and spot the similarities or differences with how each one is being run. The history of the US health care system can explain when the health careRead MoreLegal Factors Of An Urban Institute1683 Words   |  7 Pagesfound that if all states expanded Medicaid to individuals at or below 138% FPL, more than 15 million adults will be eligible to enroll (Kenney, Dubay, Zuckerman and Huntress, 2012). If a state failed to implement the expansion, it faced the possible loss of all federal Medicaid funding, making it an offer the states could not refuse. However, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Congress could not intimidate states into expanding Medicaid. As a result, the ACA Medicaid eligibility expansion is now optionalRead MoreInsurance : Insurance And Insurance Essay1158 Words   |  5 Pagesthe insured from an accident or a principal sum that should be paid for an event that occurred that was liable to human life. The major types of insurance that were reviewed were Medicare, worker’s compensation, Tricare, group insurance, CHAMPVA, Medicaid, and individual insurance. Under Medicare insurance, people over the age of sixty-five, young people with disabilities, and individuals with End-Stage Renal Disease qualify for this coverage. The advantage with Medicare plan is that it provides specializedRead MoreDifferences Between Foster Care And Adoption1352 Words   |  6 PagesTinsdale are undecided also whether they wish to foster John or to adopt him. This paper will address the differences between foster care and adoption, differences in services received, differences in payments if any received and what are the pros and cons the Tinsdale may face if they decided to adopt or foster little Thomas Beuler. In the State of South Carolina law also establishes a kinship foster care program within the South Carolina Department of Social Services. Since John Thomas BeulerRead MoreHealthcare Workers Vs. Non Health Care Workers Essay816 Words   |  4 Pagesparties involved. Federal and state government contribute to 46 percent of the health care spending (three-quarters of which is spent to the Medicaid and Medicare recipients), consumers pay 14 percent out of their pocket and private insurers pay more than 35 percent of the health expenses. (Michael, 2008). Pros and cons of working in the health care field: Pros: Ranging from small town physician practices to large, urban medical centers, health care industry offers varied employment opportunities